# Copyright 2020 Misha Brukman
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# https://misha.brukman.net/blog/2020/04/running-decade-old-games-in-containers/

FROM ubuntu:14.04

# Create a non-root user to run games with reduced permissions.
# Note: you can set any username you want here; it doesn't matter.
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash $USER

# Drop root permissions; all commands from now on will be executed as a
# regular user, so be sure to do anything requiring root permissions prior to
# this line.

# Declare that we will mount two directories into this container at runtime,
# one for the source media and one for the installation folder.
VOLUME /opt/game/source
VOLUME /opt/game/install