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Problem 5

Show, for all positive integers $n = 1, 2,…$, that $14$ divides $3^{4n + 2} + 5^{2n + 1}$.


Hint #1

Rather than proving the statement directly, can you do it indirectly / incrementally?

Hint #2

See if you can use induction to prove the statement.


Expand to see solution; try solving it first or use the hints!

We can demonstrate this via induction. Recall that to prove something by induction, we have two steps:

  1. prove the base case
  2. prove the inductive case, e.g., if something is true for $n$, it’s also true for $n+1$

The above two steps let us claim that this is generally true for all $n$ of interest.

Let’s first consider the base case $(n = 1)$:

$$ 3^{4n + 2} + 5^{2n + 1} = 3^{4 + 2} + 5^{2 + 1} = 729 + 125 = 854 = 14 \cdot 61$$

Thus, $14$ divides that expression, so we have shown the base case.

Now let’s consider the inductive case:

  1. assume that $14$ divides $3^{4n + 2} + 5^{2n + 1}$
  2. prove that $14$ divides $3^{4(n+1) + 2} + 5^{2(n+1) + 1}$

Note that we can assume that:

$$ 3^{4n + 2} + 5^{2n + 1} \equiv 0 \mod 14 \qquad \text{(1)} $$

Let’s start with the second point:

$$ \begin{align*} 3^{4(n+1) + 2} + 5^{2(n+1) + 1} & \stackrel{?}{\equiv} 0 \mod 14 & \quad \text{starting point} \\ 3^{4n +4 + 2} + 5^{2n + 2 + 1} & \stackrel{?}{\equiv} 0 \mod 14 & \quad \text{expand} \\ 3^4 \cdot 3^{4n + 2} + 5^2 \cdot 5^{2n + 1} & \stackrel{?}{\equiv} 0 \mod 14 & \quad \text{factor to match starting point} \\ 81 \cdot 3^{4n + 2} + 25 \cdot 5^{2n + 1} & \stackrel{?}{\equiv} 0 \mod 14 & \quad \text{simplify} \\ 56 \cdot 3^{4n + 2} + 25 \cdot 3^{4n + 2} + 25 \cdot 5^{2n + 1} & \stackrel{?}{\equiv} 0 \mod 14 & \quad \text{separate $81$ into $25$ and remainder} \\ 56 \cdot 3^{4n + 2} + 25 \cdot (3^{4n + 2} + 5^{2n + 1}) & \stackrel{?}{\equiv} 0 \mod 14 & \quad \text{factor out $25$} \\ 56 \cdot 3^{4n + 2} & \stackrel{?}{\equiv} 0 \mod 14 & \quad \text{using eq. 1} \\ 0 & \equiv 0 \mod 14 & \quad \text{since $56 \equiv 0 \mod 14$} \\ \end{align*} $$

Above, we were able to first subtract the expression $25 \cdot (3^{4n + 2} + 5^{2n + 1})$ since it is divisible by $14$ and then similarly, $56 \cdot 3^{4n + 2}$ since it is also divisible by $14$.

Since we have proven the inductive case, this completes the proof. $\qquad \blacksquare$